People think because you CUT THEM OFF, it’s JEALOUSY or ANIMOSITY. Sometimes CUT OFFS are because of DIFFERENCES in MINDSETS! Some of yall have NO LOYALTY and will CROSS PEOPLE that have been NOTHING but GOOD to YOU. Some of y’all are USERS and that’s all YOU KNOW HOW TO DO. You may have NEGATIVE QUALITIES. Some of y’all just TWO-FACED. CUT OFFS can even happen for PERSONAL REASONS and has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with YOU. Sometimes the CUT OFF is for PERSONAL GROWTH.
People think because you CUT THEM OFF, it’s JEALOUSY or ANIMOSITY. Sometimes CUT OFFS are because of DIFFERENCES in MINDSETS! Some of yall have NO LOYALTY and will CROSS PEOPLE that have been NOTHING but GOOD to YOU. Some of y’all are USERS and that’s all YOU KNOW HOW TO DO. You may have NEGATIVE QUALITIES. Some of y’all just TWO-FACED. CUT OFFS can even happen for PERSONAL REASONS and has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with YOU. Sometimes the CUT OFF is for PERSONAL GROWTH. 💯